Gurk: a virile, handsome, tough-nut-to-crack individual may at first strike one as a rough-hewn, ruthless eccentric. Having suffered a calamitous and fatal family tragedy during his oil prospecting about North Africa, he destroyed his radio and deliberately endured a decade’s self-imposed exile beneath the singular and magnificent tree above a bountiful well of exceptionally pure water. While his desert-hardened demeanor masks a gregarious and generous nature, and places him equally at home in shorts and bare feet wiring explosives as when wearing a dinner suit and selecting priceless table wines when entertaining the woman he loves, his spirit yet yearns somehow a replacement of those familial values long-since pillaged from his life.
Linda: (Linda Vaughn) an extraordinarily beautiful Hollywood movie star wears her celebrity with charming pragmatism, and honorably shares handsome portions of her fortunes and time, whenever possible, with her family and charities. Raised under strict American morals on a Wyoming ranch, her meteoric rise to (and continuing) stardom leaves her somewhat endearingly naïve to international political objectives. These aside, she brings with her (on her personally funded famine-awareness-drive to Darfur) ruminative desires of getting past a ‘too-long’ wound inflicted by a major movie director of poor romantic behavior.
Sukari: (Sweet One in Swahili) a young, long-haired, Sino-African beauty, a harem-destined mid-to-late teenager, spices her illegitimacy with startlingly-accurate clairvoyance, immediately wins all who encounter her, is not lacking in humor, notwithstanding her sparse English, and is inherently modest, despite of her customary lack of clothing.
Matata: a splendid, young Taureg warrior, Sukari’s fellow tribesman and future (although he emphatically doubts her clairvoyance) husband. He is crucial, and strikingly visible but of few spoken lines, to the story.
Walsh: A handsome white South African bush pilot, believing himself God’s gift to women, also bears in retrospect among some of those ladies (of similar liberties) an approving history, albeit some had hinted of his sometimes-rapacious tendencies. Seeing his responsibility of flying Linda alone in his two-seater copter as yet another romantic escapade in the making, he invests the tale with pertinent action, some humor, and a subliminal and disturbing threat to Linda’s trust.